Email :[email protected]
Text (Best Option)/Call :(502) 230-6336
Think different. Make different.
Knowing is Not Doing
Start Enrolling and Earning Your
I-HAVE-DONE-IT Certificate
This is NOT a Coding Boot-Camp, But a Three Month Enterprise Software Developer Employment Preparation; the True Information Technology (IT) Work-Ready Development Program.
If You Graduated From Any IT Degrees or Any IT Trainings, and Still Un-Employed Today After 50+ Applications With No Success In Landing the Desired IT Job, Louisville Institute of Technology (LIT) Can Help.
If You Are Employed Today, But Cannot Progress to the IT Desired Field or the Desired IT Level/Position, LIT Can Assist.
LIT is a Coaching, Mentoring, and IT Support Program. Our Graduates Are Capable to Develop Any Application/Software and Using Any Technology that is Beyond Microsoft Stack.
Apprentice Sign Up For More Info
3 Months True Work-Ready for Day One of Employment - Microsoft Full-Stack Software Engineer



Build skill



LIT Single Core Apprentice Program
(The True Work-Ready for Day One of Employment Full Stack Software Engineer)
Develop Apprentice in Three Core Tracks

Louisville Institute of Technology - Founder, Di Tran
We Invite You to Start or Progress In Your Information Technology Career with Us at the Louisville Institute of Technology (LIT). Our Goal is to Consistently Re-equip and Up-skill You and Our Community, so We Can Be Up To the Task and Demand of the IT Employment Market.
We are developing true Microsoft Full-Stack Developers via our 3 months intense boot camp. Text/Email Us Today
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Text: 502-230-6336
The “I Have Done IT™” credential certifies the successful completion of a three-month, minimum of 420 hours (average 35 hours/week X 8 weeks) intensive, hands-on, self-directed, and independently paced apprenticeship program under the supervision and mentorship of experienced and professionally successful software development practitioners.
It represents the apprentice’s independent development of four different functional applications that integrate with four different databases based on Microsoft technology, including current versions of .NET Core, Azure SQL, Azure DevOps, Azure Full-Managed Services, and GitHub. Applications developed by the apprentice include console application (for window service usage and intensive data processing), window presentation foundation (WPF) GUI based application, Web API (Web Service), and React Js web frontend application.
This credential also certifies the apprentice has completed the development of test automation on the Azure DevOps Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipeline for unit testing, as well as some web API testing, and web front-end testing using Selenium technology. More is also included such as soft skills.
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We are Open To Learn From You and Improve Our Services for You. Let Us Know Your Feedback and Get In Touch with Us